
IGLO Events


IGLO Open events


IGLO Open events are organised by the member organisations and are usually held the first Tuesday of every month, except for August. They cover a range of EU R&I topics, and are an offer to the Brussels-based EU R&I community. The events often feature speakers from the European Commission or its executive agencies, as well as from relevant stakeholder or research and innovation organisations. Topics can be directly related to Horizon Europe but also include relevant policy aspects or developments.

How to find out what’s on, where and when?

IGLO is an informal network and does not maintain a central mailing list. The organisation of Open events rotates between our members.  The member office organising an IGLO Open session is in charge of the topic as well as invitations and registration. If you would like to make sure to receive such invitations, please contact the IGLO Member from your country so they can ensure invitations are forwarded to you.

IGLO Annual Reception

Once a year, we hold an IGLO Annual Reception. This event usually takes place in June, and is organised by the Chair of
IGLO, with support of the Members.