Working Groups

As a crucial element of IGLO activity, various Working Groups (WG) facilitate interaction, exchange of information and cooperation between IGLO Members, their national research systems and the European institutions on issues related to the EU research and innovation agenda.

Terms of Reference

  • IGLO Core establishes and ceases WGs. WGs are restricted to topics within the remit of IGLO.
  • WGs are open to all IGLO members. A maximum of two individuals per member organisation may attend WG meetings. WGs may further restrict participation, should this be appropriate, for a particular meeting or event (e.g. due to space limitations). Additional guests may join events and meetings by invitation.
  • WGs may invite other external participants (e.g. external speakers, subject expert) to take part on an ad hoc basis.
  • The members of WG choose the Chair / Co-Chairs of the WG amongst its IGLO Members.
  • The Chair serves a term of one year and can be reappointed.
  • The Chair plans WG meetings and leads the meetings. After each meeting, the Chair circulates information on key points and developments to those who attended.
  • WGs report to the ‘IGLO Core’ group when requested.

Working Groups

There are currently nine active Working Groups:

  • European Research Council (ERC)
  • Health
  • Higher Education
  • Implementation
  • Innovation
  • International Cooperation
  • Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA)
  • R&I on Security Topics
  • Regional Policy

European Research Council (ERC)

The ERC WG seeks to deepen Members’ understanding of the European Research Council (ERC) and to enable dialogue about ERC between IGLO Members. As appropriate, feedback about ERC from national funding bodies, applicants and grant holders, as well as host institutions is shared. The group meets bimonthly.


Co-Chair Isabel Herzhoff, KoWi (isabel.herzhoff @

Co-Chair Kristel Oitmaa, ELO (kristel.oitmaa @


The goal of Health WG is to build a platform for discussion on the most important EU activities and R&I developments in the field of health, in order to strengthen collaboration and information sharing within the IGLO network. This WG is mapping the key institutions and stakeholders in the field of health, sharing knowledge, ideas and most effective instruments of the programmes related to health R&I. The WG meets as required.


Co-Chair Inga Benner, KoWi (inga.benner @

Co-Chair Jens Jäger, Helmholtz Association (jens.jaeger @

Higher Education (HE)

The objectives of HE WG is to share information and exchange ideas on European higher education topics. The WG discusses the impact of Erasmus+, the European Education Area process and the modernisation agenda of the European Commission on higher education and the developments of the Bologna process. It also hosts informative debates with speakers from European institutions or other relevant organisations that are invited to WG meetings. This WG meets approximately four times a year. The WG is also open to relevant non-IGLO European higher education stakeholders.


Co-Chair Ragnhild Solvi Berg, RCN (ragnhild.berg @

Co-Chair Laurin Reding, SwissCore (reding @

Co-Chair Lucie Münchová, CZELO (lucie.munchova @


The Implementation WG aims to raise the general level of knowledge of all IGLO Members on the implementation matters in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. It is a platform for Members to exchange best practice and experiences, to discuss issues such as the rules for participation, legal issues and evaluations. The WG fosters close links with relevant stakeholders operating in areas that fall within the scope of the WG’s work. As appropriate, the Implementation WG provides informal feedback to European institutions on implementation issues. This WG meets on a monthly basis.


Co-Chair Yvette Gafinen, KoWi (yvette.gafinen @

Co-Chair Sebastian Claus, KoWi (sebastian.claus @

Co-Chair Karin Totland, NorCore (kt @

Innovation (INNO)

The main goal of the INNO WG is to closely monitor, share information and gain knowledge of EU activities and developments regarding innovation policy, programmes and instruments, in particular the European Innovation Council, Partnerships, European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) and, Key Enabling Technologies (KETs). The WG aims to hold informative debates with speakers from the European institutions, mostly the European Commission.  This WG meets every two months.


Co-Chair Isabella Ismail, Vinnova (isabella.ismail @

Co-Chair Ingeborg Froysnes, Innovation Norway (Ingeborg.Froysnes @

Co-Chair Luca Cruciato, SwissCore (cruciato @

International Cooperation (INCO)

The scope of the INCO WG is to facilitate dialogue and knowledge-sharing among IGLO partners on the international cooperation dimension of the EU R&I programmes, mainly Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. This WG discusses and exchanges knowledge on strategic approaches, instruments and governance issues of international cooperation, as well as sharing feedback from Member States and Third Countries on international R&I activities. This WG invites experts from relevant EU institutions to meetings, which are organized on a bimonthly basis. Non-IGLO liaison offices are welcome to join this WG.


Co-Chair Michaela Hnízdilová, CZELO (michaela.hnizdilova @

Co-Chair Karin Totland, NorCore (kt @

Co-chair Maurits Booij, Neth-ER (Booij @

Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA)

The main goal of the MSCA WG is to monitor the activities that shape the current and future development of Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions in Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe as well as related policies concerning mobility and career development with regard to content, funding schemes and budget. This WG gathers and shares up-to-date information and opinions from relevant colleagues, including European institutions, about ongoing activities at a policy level. It also exchanges views on policy initiatives concerning mobility and career development. The WG meets approximately four times a year.


Co-chair Izabela Maciejowska, PolSCA, Izabela.Maciejowska @ 

Co-chair Sarah Goharnia, Leibniz Association, goharnia @      

Co-Chair Dunja Hofmann, KoWi, dunja.hofmann @

R&I on Security and Related Topics (RISET)

The role of the RISET WG is to facilitate dialogue and knowledge exchange among IGLO members on EU R&I programmes and strategies in the field of Security research in its broader sense, including Defence and Space. This WG discusses and exchanges knowledge on Security and Defence dimensions promoted by European institutions and, when appropriate, NATO. The members of the WG provide feedback on strategic approaches, instruments and governance issues of the programmes related to Security and Defence, monitors collaborations, links and synergies among the different organizations involved in this sector. The WG meets bimonthly.


Co-Chair Angelo Volpi, CNR (angelo.volpi @

Co-Chair Marina Martínez, SOST (marina.cdti @

Co-Chair Bettina Schelkle, KOWI (bettina.schelkle @

Regional Policy

The scope of the Regional Policy WG is to facilitate dialogue and knowledge exchange among IGLO partners on the regional cooperation dimension of the EU R&I programmes. It is a platform for IGLO Members to exchange best practice and experiences, to discuss issues such as synergies among Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe, EU structural funds, Interreg, etc. This WG meets as required.


Co-Chair David Chvála, CZELO (david.chvala @

Co-Chair Asja Masnoglav, SBRA (asja.masnoglav @

Co-Chair Agne Drumelyte, LINO (agne.drumelyte @